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Sheila Gall
Feb 244 min read
Is it dandruff or just dry scalp? How do you know and how to treat both conditions.
How to know whether you have dandruff or dry scalp and how to treat it
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Sheila Gall
Feb 223 min read
Which diffuser do I use for my blow dryer and is the best for my curly hair
Which diffuser do you use for your blow dryer and hair type
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Sheila Gall
Feb 204 min read
What’s in your cities water and how does it affect your hair.
How Minerals in City Water Can Damage Your Hair & Why You Need a Shower Head Filter Water might seem like a simple necessity for daily...
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Sheila Gall
Feb 206 min read
How porosity affects styling your curly hair
Curly Hair Styling and How Porosity Affects It: A Guide for Gorgeous Curls Curly hair can be a beautiful blessing, but it can also come...
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Sheila Gall
Feb 45 min read
Identifying and styling your curly hair type by San Jose Curl Specialist: Sheila Gall
Styling curly hair can be quite a journey, as each curl type has unique needs and characteristics. In this article, I provide best...
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Sheila Gall
Dec 18, 20235 min read
New Curly Hair blog
Curly Hair is Easy and Beautiful  I learned so much this year about curly hair and new products on the market, and I want to share this...
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Sheila Gall
Nov 27, 20233 min read
What are Transformation Services
After neglecting ourselves during the pandemic people are needing deeper more intensive transformation services!
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Sheila Gall
Aug 3, 20234 min read
Why Choose Organic Hair Color
Hint: Lessen Your Cancer Risks I was using traditional dyes until 10 years ago when I discovered professional organic dyes. After...
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Sheila Gall
Aug 23, 20222 min read
Watch out for harmful chemicals in your anti aging products
I start this blog with a warning: Please check all of the ingredients of the products you are using on your body. Especially the ones you...

Sheila Gall
Feb 18, 20222 min read
Curly hair stylist since the 1980s
I have been specializing in curly hair since the 1980s. My younger brother has curly hair like me and his best friend was African...

Sheila Gall
Jan 2, 20222 min read
Why non-toxic beauty products are so important
Why is it so important to use non-toxic beauty products and nontoxic makeup? Makeup stays on your skin for hours at a time and gets...

Sheila Gall
Sep 13, 20213 min read
Why I am very passionate about my non-toxic San Jose Beauty Business
Welcome to my first Blog! I wanted to tell you all why and how I got started in the organic and non-toxic beauty business. My Dad's...
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